National Geographic muestra sus mejores fotos de Instagram del 2017

La National Geographic es conocida por tener las mejores fotos de naturaleza, vida salvaje y sociedad; por ello ha lanzado una muestra de sus mejores fotos de Instagram del 2017, donde encontraremos fotografías hechas en mar, tierra, aire y hasta la última fotografía de Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan, quien  ganó el premio a Fotógrafo del año National Geographic Nature 2017.

Además de darnos sus mejores 18 fotos de Instagram, recordemos que la cadena sumó más de  17 millones de seguidores, 6 millones de comentarios y 1,4 mil millones de likes.  También expandieron sus cuentas, las cuales se dedicaron a una cierta rama de la fotografía, estas fueron @NatGeoTravel y @NatGeoAdventure. Sin duda fue un gran año para nuestros amigos  de National Geographic. 


Conoce las 18 mejores fotografías de la National Geographic en Instagram


1. Kauai con su mono mascota, de Charlie Hamilton James (@chamiltonjames)


Un niño de la comunidad Awa con su mascota. Los awas se caracterizan por tener animales salvajes como mascotas y en especial a monos. Ya que al ser bebés son muy dóciles, queridos y siempre están durmiendo en las cabezas de las personas, especialmente cuando son jóvenes

La caza de estos monos bebés se dan después de que se mata a sus padres para comerlos.


2. Iguanas marinas de Galápagos, de Thomas Peschak (@thomaspeschak)


Iguanas marinas que viven al borde del mar de Galápagos. Esta especie es la única que puede estar en algas de agua fría.


3. Oso polar muerto de hambre, de Cristina Mittermeier (@CristinaMittermeier)


Photo by @CristinaMittermeier // This is what a starving polar bear looks like. Weak muscles, atrophied by extended starvation could barely hold him up. Our @Sea_Legacy team watched as he painfully staggered towards the abandoned fishing camp from which we were observing and found some trash to eat—a piece of foam from the seat of a snowmobile, as we later found out. People have asked why we couldn’t help it, why we didn’t feed it. In addition to being illegal to feed wildlife, polar bears like this one need several hundred pounds of meat to survive. They primarily eat seals and they struggle when they are stranded for long periods of time on land, without a sea ice platform from which to hunt. We didn’t have a weapon and we didn’t have any food. There literally was nothing we could do for him as we were hundreds of miles from the nearest Inuit community. What could we have done? What we did do was push through our tears knowing that this footage was going to help connect a global audience to the biggest issue facing us as a species today. It is true that we don’t know what caused this animal to starve but we are certain that unless we curb carbon emissions, sea ice will continue to disappear and many more bears will starve. With these images, we want to wake the world up to the imminence of climate change and to how it will affect wildlife and people for decades to come. For solutions on how each and everyone can make a positive impact on this planet #follow me at @CristinaMittermeier or go to @Sea_Legacy. #nature #naturelovers #bethechange #FaceofClimateChange #StopFossilFuels #NoArcticDrilling #TurningtheTide with @SeaLegacy. With @PaulNicklen and our entire team. Thank you @natgeo for helping us try and reach the world.

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Un oso polar muerto de hambre. Cuando se le consultó al fotógrafo por qué no ayudaron al oso dijeron lo siguiente: Es ilegal alimentar animales silvestres, además que este tipo de osos polares necesitan varios cientos de kilos de carne para sobrevivir.

Lo único que pudimos hacer fue ayudar a conectar a una audiencia mundial con el problema que enfrentamos como especie hoy en día. Es cierto que no sabemos qué causó la muerte de este animal, pero estamos seguros de que a menos que reduzcamos las emisiones de carbono, el hielo marino seguirán desapareciendo y muchos más osos morirán de hambre.


4. Eclipse, de Jimmy Chin (@jimmy_chin)


Eclipse tomado en el momento exacto.


5. Perro groenlandés, de Ciril Jazbec (@ciriljazbec)


Perro groenlandés usado como perro de trabajo que los Inuit usan para trineos tirados estos animales.

Pero cada vez se están utilizando menos debido a la desaparición del hielo marino, por ello ahora se han vuelto inutilizables por lo que algunos cazadores prefieren dispararles. Pues es demasiado costoso mantenerlos y alimentarlos durante todo el año, ya que solo pueden usarlos durante períodos de tiempo cada vez más cortos.


6. Cara a cara en un río de Borneo, de Jayaprakash Bojan (@Jayaprakash_bojan)


Ganador del premio “Fotógrafo del año National Geographic Nature 2017”.

En la fotografía se ve a un orangután macho mirando desde atrás de un árbol mientras cruza un río lleno de cocodrilos. También se quiere mostrar el impacto que causa la deforestación en las selvas donde habitan estos animales.

7. Beso de focas arpa, de Brian Skerry (@BrianSkerry)


Photo by @BrianSkerry. Harp Seal Pups Kissing!  Two harp seal pups meet each other on the pack ice of Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence, touching noses as they sniff one another. Pups are generally born in this region during February, spending about two weeks nursing from their mothers before heading off into the frigid arctic waters on their own. The decline of sea ice over the last decade has created a serious crisis for these animals, as pup mortality rates have increased substantially. If the climate continues to warm and sea ice disappears, the future is uncertain for this species. To see more ocean wildlife, and to learn more about my experiences photographing for National Geographic, follow me, @BrianSkerry, on Instagram. @thephotosociety @natgeocreative #harp #seal #pup #canada #arctic #ice #photooftheday #nationalgeographic #natgeo #harpseal #climatechange #globalwarming #instagood #followme #follow #saveouroceans #ocean #photography #travelphoto #wonderlust #travelphotographer

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Golfo de San Lorenzo – Dos crías de focas arpa tocándose la nariz y oliéndose, una forma de reconocerse entre ellas.


8. Ojo a ojo, de Frans Lanting (@FransLanting)


Photo by @FransLanting “Eye to Eye” Inside every animal is an individual with its own emotions and needs. When I photograph animals I try to bring out their personalities just as people photographers do that with their subjects. In Belize I spent several hours with this magnificent male cougar before he relaxed to a dreamy pose that I felt captured his mood. I share this image to recognize World Animal Day, October 4—a day of action for animal rights and welfare. The date coincides with the feast day for Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Follow me @FransLanting for more images of the other beings on the great tree of life. @natgeotravel @thephotosociety @natgeocreative #cougar #mountainLion #puma #bigcats #photooftheday #picoftheday #nature #beauty #naturelovers #animal #wildlife #worldanimalday

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La mirada de un puma macho en Belice.
Frans Lanting: “Dentro de cada animal hay un individuo con sus propias emociones y necesidades. Cuando fotografío animales trato de resaltar sus personalidades de la misma forma que los fotógrafos lo hacen con sus sujetos.”


9. Súper mamá, de Frans Lanting (@FransLanting)


Photo by @FransLanting Cheetahs are the most vulnerable of the world’s big cats, with cub mortality as high as 95 percent, often due to predation by lions and hyenas. Co-existing with those formidable adversaries is tough for cheetahs who are more timid and risk adverse. Long term studies have revealed that in the entire Serengeti ecosystem fewer than 50 cheetah females successfully raise cubs to independence on a regular basis. Here is one of these remarkable “supermoms” scanning the horizon for trouble with a cub next to her. But even supermoms can’t cope with the human threats they face in addition to their natural hazards. So, I’d like to give a shout out to the organizations who are working to safeguard a future for these amazing cats and hope that you will support them too. Thanks to NatGeo’s Big Cat Initiative, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF), Cheetah Conservation Botswana(CCB) and Panthera. Follow me @FransLanting for more images of cheetahs and other inhabitants of Wild Africa. @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #Cheetah #BigCats #BigCatsInitiative #CheetahConservationFund #Panthera #Endangered #Serengeti #Motherhood

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Fotografía de un guepardo bebé junto a su madre, quien protege a su cría del hábitat salvaje en donde viven. La tasa de muerte de esta especie es de un 95 porciento, debido a la gran cantidad de leones y hienas. 


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10. Zorro rojo en la carretera, de Corey Arnold (@arni_coraldo)


Photo by Corey Arnold @arni_coraldo Every night in Unalaska, I’d spot this red fox near the side of the road, charming drivers with its irresistible cuteness into throwing it snacks out the window. On this evening, I spent a few hours watching this fox at work, using my headlights to light the scene. —————————– This print will be on display in my new exhibition “Aleutian Dreams” opening Thursday, 4/6 5-8pm thru May 27 at @hartmanfineart in Portland, Oregon (come say hello!) and also in LA at @richardhellergallery now through May 6th. Click on my profile link @arni_coraldo for a preview. Aleutian Dreams was also featured in the story entitled: “The Bering Sea: Where Humans and Nature Collide” #fox #redfox #alaska #aleutiandreams #unalaska #dutchharbor #laart #portlandart #pdxart #photooftheday #night #humananimals #wildlife #animal #foxy #hungry

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Zorro rojo en las carreteras de Unalaska, Alaska. Donde personas a pie y conductores le arrojan comida.


11. Pez payaso mira desde los tentáculos de un anémona, de David Doubilet (@DavidDoubilet)


Photo by @DavidDoubilet Celebrating World Oceans Day. A clownfish peers from the tentacles of its host anemone in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. The clownfish and the anemone are partners in the sea: the clownfish keeps predators from the anemone and the anemone provides valuable cover to an entire family of clownfish also called anemonefish. Papua New Guinea is a cornerstone of the Coral Triangle, a region in the Pacific Ocean known for its extreme marine biodiversity. It is critical for all us to recognize the role of oceans in our lives. We are inseparable from the sea, the ocean produces more than half of our oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. As the oceans go, so do we. Photographed for @NatGeo // @thephotosociety // #Ocean #Nemo #Clownfish #life #partners #beauty #WorldOceansDay For #MoreOcean follow @DavidDoubilet

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Fotografía tomada en los mares de Papúa, Nueva Guinea. Pez payaso junto a una anémona, donde la anémona le da refugio al pez y a su familia, y éste mantiene a los depredadores de la anémona.


12. Eclipse desde las alturas, de Babak Tafreshi (@babaktafreshi)


Es la primera foto del eclipse tomada desde las alturas, por Babak Tafreshi, quien fotografió desde un avión este gran acontecimiento del universo.


13. Pequeño Bambi, de Charlie Hamilton James (@chamiltonjames)


Un pequeño venado capturado por una cámara trampa, las cuales ayudan a los fotógrafos a capturar momentos y movimientos impensables.


14. Perros dugongos, de Jennifer Hayes (@jenniferhayesig)


Photo by @jenniferhayesig A heart breaking find. We arrived at a remote small island in Busuanga Philippines to dive and to scout for plastic debris. Two dogs appeared on the beach and began to swim to our boat. The heavy surf turned them back. I could see they were thin. I abandoned my dive and swam ashore with rice. The dogs had been left behind and and were extremely emaciated and weak. They were slowly starving to death on an island without any source of food. I fed them and swam back to our boat and asked our crew to kayak in freshwater and more rice. We spent a few hours on shore with these wonderful creatures. They were gentle, friendly and in good spirits despite their desperate situation. Ironically I found the debris our team was looking for on shore when I found the dogs. They were pawing through the debris seeking anything to eat. We are working with locals to keep them fed by boat until we can get them off the island. We are in the process of determining the best rescue for them, either a safe place in the Philippines or @daviddoubilet and I will adopt them, get them to a vet for treatment and vaccinations and fly them back to New York. We are calling these two, a male and female, the “dugong dogs” because we were working with dugongs in the area. Stay tuned for the rest of their story. // with @natgeo in Philippines// #ocean #abandoned #dog #rescuedog #dugongdog #AChristmasStory #merrychristmas #hope #respect #RescueMe #trust #kindness #DoTheRightThing #compassion for a video of the #dugongdogs follow @jenniferhayesig

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Islas Filipinas. Perros abandonados y desnutridos en los alrededores de la playa, buscando comida y compañía.


15. Camuflaje, de Stefano Unterthiner (@stefanounterthiner)

Un pequeño animalito de las montañas. Camuflado entre las montañas bañadas por la nieve.


16. Leopardo de las nieves, de Steve Winter (@stevewinterphoto)


@stevewinterphoto @natgeo Today is International Snow Leopard Day!!! Photo by @stevewinterphoto for @natgeo Snow leopards are the ghosts of the high mountain areas of central Asia in which they live. The areas in which SL’s live are vitally important as they provide water for 100’s of millions of people. But the glaciers that provide the water are rapidly disappearing, which begs the question – what will the future bring for people and animals? Local people need to benefit from living with predators – snow leopards are persecuted by revenge killings – when they kill someone’s livestock a herder will then kill them. There are great community conservation projects where local herders can protect their flocks, making more money and saving snow leopards at the same time! Turning and economic negative into an economic positive – and saving snow leopards at the same time! Please visit National Geographic’s Big Cat Initiative @, to find out ways to become involved – to save big cats! Check out – Panthera, Snow Leopard Trust, WCS, UNDP, WildAid – Environmental Investigation Agency – Wildlife Protection Society of India, @stevewinterphoto @natgeo @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #leopards #tigers #lions #snowleopard #jaguars @bigcatsforever #undp #gef @africanparksnetwork @leonardodicapriofdn

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Leopardos de las nieves transitando en los alrededores de las zonas de alta montaña en Asia, la principal fuente de agua para los millones de habitantes que habitan el lugar.


17. Cachorros de guepardo observan a su madre cazar, de Frans Lanting (@FransLanting)



Photo by @FransLanting Adorable, but vulnerable, three cheetah cubs watch their mother hunt in the Serengeti Plains, a few weeks after they first emerged from a den inside the rocks where they spent their first month hiding from predators like lions, hyenas, and leopards. More than half of all cheetah cubs do not survive the first four weeks of life and most of the rest do not make it beyond their first year. Cheetahs can’t climb trees like leopards, they can’t dig burrows like hyenas, and they’re not social like lions, so they are vulnerable no matter where they are. I photographed these cubs on assignment for @NatGeo and we cheered on their mother as she was facing the difficult challenges of motherhood alone. I’m posting this image in recognition of International Cheetah Day and I’d like to salute the individuals and organizations who are in the forefront of safeguarding a future for these endangered cats and hope that you will support them too. Thanks to Luke Dollar and NatGeo’s Big Cat Initiative, Laurie Marker and her Namibia-based Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF), Rebecca Klein and the Cheetah Conservation Botswana project (CCB) and Luke Hunter and his colleagues at Panthera. Follow me @FransLanting for more images of cheetahs and other inhabitants of Wild Africa. @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #Cheetah #BigCats #BigCatsInitiative #CheetahConservationFund #Panthera #Endangered

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Fotografía tomada en Tanzania. 3 cachorros de guepardo ven cazar a su madre por primera vez. Ellos pasaron un mes dentro de una cueva protegidos de leones, hienas y leopardos, pues más de la mitad de los cachorros guepardo no sobreviven a su primer mes.


18. Ola nevado, de Andy Mann (@andy_mann)

Tomada en las costas de Sahara Occidental. Una ola que tiene el pico de la forma de un nevado.


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